Environmental policy
February 2012
- 375 are committed to comply with and aim to surpass relevent current environmental legislation and through our EMS maintain a register of all environmental legislation including that which might affect our company in the future.
- When purchasing any resource in the course of our business we ensure that it is the most sustainable option, quality of the product notwithstanding.
- 375 aims to influence upstream and downstrean stakeholders through supporting them in considering the environment in the way they run their businesses.
- Conserve natural resources through application of the waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse and recycle ) through the most efficient use of materials.
- Handle and dispose of wastes through safe, environmentally responsible methods.
- Practice effective, efficient energy use.
- Conduct regular environmental assessments and make recommendations for continual environmental improvement and take action as appropriate.
375 environmental policy is disseminated to stakeholders via its internet site and to clients during the tendering process.
375 are committed to complying with and surpassing relevent current environmental legislation, through purchasing materials that are from sustainable sources, conserving natural resources through application of the waste hierarchy, handling and disposing of wastes through safe, environmentally responsible methods, practicing effective, efficient energy use and influencing stakeholders where possible to consider the environment in the way they run the their businesses.